A room dedicated to a horror character has opened at a County Durham hotel.

The Eve Suite at The Manor House Hotel, West Auckland, has been named in honour of Eve Valentine, a character brought to life by award-winning film director Dean Midas.

Fans of the character can immerse themselves in Eve's history and folklore.

Dean Midas cuts the ribbon to open the Eve Suite, atched by Manor House general manager Johnathan CairnsDean Midas cuts the ribbon to open the Eve Suite, watched by Eve Valentine and Manor House general manager Johnathan Cairns (Image: DEAN MIDAS)

Mr Midas was on hand to cut the ribbon with Dawn Crute (Eve Valentine) and Johnathan Cairns, the hotel's general manager.

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The filmmaker, from Crook, said: "What an amazing day, I'm so humbled and proud.

"This isn't just for me, this is for everyone who has helped and supported me over the years, including the Manor House."

Mr Cairns added: "We are looking forward to continuing the wonderful relationship we have with Dean and his films."