A 'rare' collection of stained glass windows from a Sunderland church is set to fetch as much as £40,000 collectively at auction.

The windows of Burn Park Road Methodist Church, will be sold on July 15, 2024, by Thomas N. Miller Auction House in Newcastle.

Auctioneer and valuer at the auction house, Sam Thompson, said: "Individual pieces of stained glass from churches do turn up in auction houses on a somewhat regular basis, but a consignment of this scale is really quite rare."

(Image: Thomas N Miller)

The lot includes a depiction of Christ's Ascension into heaven, with his followers standing and kneeling before him as he ascends, framed in Gothic architectural borders.

This particular window is composed of three separate lancet windows, each with three rectangular panels and is expected to sell for as much as £7,000.

(Image: Thomas N Miller)

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The collection, dating from 1902 to the late 1940s, was designed by Atkinson Brothers of Newcastle and manufactured by Hartleys of Sunderland.

The firm of Atkinson Brothers was founded in Newcastle upon Tyne by Albert, and Frederick Atkinson in 1876, producing a large amount of memorial windows following the First World War.

After Frederick's passing in 1927, Albert sold the company to Reed Millican in the early 1930s.

Despite estimates given, there is no hard reserve price for any of the pieces.