A North East shop has been shut down after being linked to the sale of counterfeit cigarettes and illegal vapes.

The 7 Days Convenient Store, more commonly known as Fast & Fresh, on West Road, Newcastle, has been forced to close its doors following an investigation by police and Newcastle City Council’s Trading Standards team.

In recent months, police have been inundated with calls by concerned members of the community who have reported suspected criminal activity taking place at the premises – including the sale of illegal cigarettes and vapes to children as young as 10.(Image: Northumbria Police)

Reports were also made of anti-social behaviour around the shop with large groups of people gathering and causing disorder.

An investigation was immediately launched and officers carried out various visits to the shop with Trading Standards officers – seizing £80,000 worth of counterfeit goods.

In a hearing at North Tyneside Magistrates’ Court on Monday (July 8), the shop was ordered to remain closed for the next three months.

Inspector Nigel Bennett, of Northumbria Police’s Newcastle West neighbourhood policing team, said: “This is a hugely positive result for the local community.

“We know that residents have been concerned about suspected criminal activity taking place in and around this premises, in particular concerning reports of illegal cigarettes and vapes being sold to schoolchildren as young as 10.(Image: Northumbria Police)

“These counterfeit products have the potential to be incredibly dangerous and pose significant health risks – so it goes without saying it’s imperative that they are removed from the hands of some of the most vulnerable in our communities.

“This closure order should act as a deterrent to other premises – if you are involved in criminality, we will take strong and robust action against you.

“I’d like to thank the public who raised their concerns to us, as well as our partners at the local authority who assisted in ensuring this shop was closed as quickly as possible. By working together, we can continue to ensure this area remains a safe one to live, work and visit.”

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Newcastle City Council’s Cabinet member for a Resilient City, Cllr Irim Ali, said: “I welcome this closure. Residents quite rightly expect their shops to be crime free zones. There is no place in our city for shops involved in any form of criminal activity.

“This is not the first time we have worked with the police to close down dodgy shops and it should send a strong message to anyone else doing it that they risk losing everything if they don’t clean up their act. We will act.”

Anyone who has any suspicions about crime in their area can contact Northumbria Police by sending a DM on social media, visiting the live chat on the website or by calling 101.