A violent thug attacked his own mother and father when he flew into a drunken rage while living at their home.

Steven Cruickshanks launched the brutal attack on his parents when he became aggressive after returning to his temporary home after boozing in the pub.

The 43-year-old punched his father repeatedly before turning his violent attention to his mother who he slapped and punched to the ground in a flurry of blows.

Elisha Marsay, prosecuting, said the violence erupted when the defendant returned to their home and they challenged him about his drunken behaviour.

She said: “After assaulting his father, the defendant approached his mother and slapped her across the face and punched her multiple times causing her to fall to the floor.

“She attempted to push him away from her but she suddenly felt a blow to the left side of her face.

“She touched her ear and could see that she was bleeding.”

Miss Marsay said Mr Cruickshanks senior tried to phone the police but his son grabbed the mobile, threw it to the floor and stamped on it.

She said his father then tried to flee the house to get help but Cruickshanks pushed him to the ground before threatening ‘to punch his lights out’ and ‘I’ll f***ing kill you’.

The court heard how the defendant’s father managed to escape and call the police who arrested him at the scene.

Miss Marsay said Cruickshanks could remember very little of the violence as he has no recollection of events when he drinks.

In their police statements, which were later withdrawn by his parents, they told officers that they feared for safety when their son was living in their home.

His father said: “He seems intent on hurting his mother which makes me feel helpless.”

While his mother said: “This incident has caused me fear and upset. I am heartbroken that my own son can do this to his parents.”

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Cruickshanks, of Lazenby Close, Darlington, pleaded guilty to assault occasioning actual bodily harm and assault by beating following his attacks on June 6 this year.

The court heard how the defendant was hoping to be able to return to his parent’s home if he was released from custody.

Judge Nathan Adams adjourned the case until Thursday, July 11, to allow time for checks to be made with the defendant’s parents and whether they would be willing to allow him to return.

Cruickshanks was remanded in custody until he is sentenced.