Plans to transform a Durham flat into a café have been approved by Durham County Council.

The proposal will convert the first and second floors of the property at 53-53A North Road from residential to café use, adding extra seating, a commercial kitchen, and bathroom facilities.

The ground floor of the building, located within Durham City Centre and Durham City Conservation Area, is already in use as a café.

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Earlier applications for the site included changes of use from florist to café and shop to estate agent office, all of which were approved.

There were no objections from the public or other bodies throughout the application process.

Approval was subject to specific conditions, including adherence to the development commencing within three years and being carried out in accordance with the agreed plans.

The café’s opening hours will be restricted to 9am to 6pm, and the selected kitchen extraction equipment must be installed and maintained as specified.

The planning application was consequently approved and developers are set to proceed following the set conditions.