A new Aldi supermarket will be built in a County Durham village after plans were praised by residents. 

The budget brand's bid to open a new site at Langley Moor was approved by Durham County Council’s planning committee on Tuesday. 

The former Godfrey Syrett building at Mill Road will be demolished before the supermarket is built. It is due to open in September 2025. 

Local councillors said there is widespread support for the plans but stressed the need for junction improvements at the A690. “The junction is already overloaded with queuing traffic past the proposed entrance to Aldi during peak hours and measures to improve the capacity of this junction need to be put in place,” the meeting heard. 

 The budget brand's bid to open a new site at Langley Moor was approved by Durham County Council’s planning committee on Tuesday. The budget brand's bid to open a new site at Langley Moor was approved by Durham County Council’s planning committee on Tuesday. (Image: Hedley Planning)

Other residents questioned whether another supermarket is needed given that there is a Lidl and Tesco in Langley Moor, but Aldi said it had prioritised the area for several years. It also proposed creating a new pedestrian crossing over the nearby A690. 

Aldi said up to 40 new jobs will be created and will prevent residents from travelling to Durham, Crook and Spennymoor. 

Helen Simms, Aldi’s regional property director, told the meeting: “Aldi has looked to bring a store to this area for some time. We’re well aware that the site has been vacant for a number of years. 

“The proposal will allow us to deliver a new, modern shopping environment to Langley Moor. Residents stated that increased and improved choice was needed as well as cheaper food options.”

Aldi said up to 40 new jobs will be created and the new site will prevent residents from travelling to Durham, Crook and Spennymoor. Aldi said up to 40 new jobs will be created and the new site will prevent residents from travelling to Durham, Crook and Spennymoor. (Image: Hedley Planning)

Cllr Paul Taylor, county councillor for Brandon which covers Langley Moor, praised the impact the new supermarket will have on the village. 

He said: “The whole area is very supportive of this application, an overwhelming amount of people. Langley Moor is beginning to thrive after Covid; you can buy anything from a tattoo to having your clothes ironed. It really is a thriving area and this store will only add to that. 

“It is much-needed and will certainly help with people travelling out of the area. It will be a real boon.”

A survey of more than 200 people found 90 per cent supported Aldi’s proposal. 

The former Godfrey Syrett building at Mill Road will be demolished before the supermarket is built.The former Godfrey Syrett building at Mill Road will be demolished before the supermarket is built. (Image: Google)

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Cllr Jonathan Elmer, also a Brandon councillor, said: “The current building has been unoccupied for a number of years now and gets broken into. It looks really awful. We’re all pleased, across the community, that it will be removed and this application will enable an improved visual appearance of the area. 

“There’s been overwhelming support for this development from the vast majority of the community.”

Councillors unanimously voted to approve the planning application.