A group of record-breaking strongmen and women are aiming to smash three world records in one day this August.

The team, known as Team Natural Power, is made up of 12 former police officers, military veterans and fitness enthusiasts who already hold five Guinness World Records between them.

The upcoming records they hope to break involve dragging, carrying and pushing various items, such as sleds and sandbags.

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Among the team is Ryan Myers, a 40-year-old osteopath from Sunderland and a 20-year veteran marine who now runs the 5th Element Sports Injury Clinic in Farringdon, Sunderland, and Durham.

He said: "We started all this back in 2017 for charity.

"Many of us are former marines and are aware of colleagues who have struggled with mental health conditions, some have even taken their own lives.

"We really wanted to actively do something to help, anything to try and stop people feeling like there is no other way out."

(Image: Sunderland University)

In the past seven years, Team Natural Power has raised more than £25,000 for various charities through their record-breaking attempts.

The upcoming challenge, scheduled to take place at Power Bar Gym in Sunderland on August 11, will raise funds for the Curtis Palmer Program, supporting serving and retired police officers and staff with physical injury, illness, and mental health.

(Image: Sunderland University)

Former Metropolitan police officer Helen Barnett, who has been diagnosed with PTSD after her service, supports the charity.

She said: "I became involved with them by helping others.

"It’s also helped me heal and I am proud to be an ambassador for the charity now.

"Team Natural Power is doing an incredible job to fundraise so it can continue the amazing work it is doing."

The team is hopeful about their upcoming challenge.

Mr Myers said: "The training has been going well and we feel we are ready.

"Now, we just need to get through the day."