North East business leaders have given their reaction to the election results, and are already letting Prime Minister Keir Starmer know where his focus needs to be.

John McCabe, North East Chamber of Commerce:

"I congratulate the Labour Party on its victory in the general election. When he spoke with North East Chamber of Commerce members just a few months ago, Keir Starmer said his party’s number one mission for economic growth depended on the success of businesses in the Chamber network. With victory secured and by such a wide margin, the government he leads must now deliver for our region. 

 "The Chamber went into this election campaign with five clear asks of the main parties – create the conditions for growth; develop skills for local needs; invest in key sectors; reduce child poverty and increase economic participation and grow trade through improved exporter confidence."These are the fundamentals of a stronger, fairer North East and if we can achieve them in partnership with government, this region will have played its part in the decade of national economic renewal our new prime minister has promised to deliver."

Ian Jones, WKE:

“As an alternative fuels manufacturer and employer in the North East, I would like to urge our new government to support our sector by addressing soaring energy prices, supporting the decarbonisation of heavy industry, addressing the skills shortage and accelerating the development of sustainable aviation fuels.  

“We need Labour to support the many biomass power plants whose Renewable Energy Certificates (ROCs) end in the next two years, aiding their transition from subsidies and expensive wood feedstocks to sustainable and alternative fuels. 

“It is also vital that the incoming government strengthens the UK’s long-term energy security through expanding our nuclear energy infrastructure while simultaneously promoting the adoption of alternative fuels by heavy industries including power generation and cement and steel manufacturing. 

“Finally, the new government must accelerate the development of the sustainable aviation fuels industry. This can be achieved by setting clear, specific dates for new plants to become operational, providing the necessary clarity and confidence needed for investment. 

“With the right support, there’s huge potential for our industry as a key driver of both the UK economy and to support our country’s decarbonisation targets.” 

Laura Gilmore, Cummins

“As one of the largest employers in Darlington, we look forward to working with the new government to ensure the region maintains its competitiveness.

"We hope to see policies that drive forward innovation and support the future talent pipeline for our sector and the wider Tees Valley.”

Matt Beeton, Port of Tyne:

“The Port of Tyne will continue to play a central role in the delivery of a low carbon economy based on the expansion of the region’s target markets, including offshore wind and the automotive transition.

"Alongside our new mayor, Kim McGuinness, we will champion the North East and its capabilities in the rapidly growing green economy.”

John Coleman, GSC Grays:

“We are optimistic about the second half of the year in terms of the residential market and I expect that after the election there will be clarity and certainty to help decision making. In the lead-up to the election, there was frustration caused by a lull in the market.

“The current market commentary supports the view that there will be an interest rate cut in August and this will show the direction of travel and give people the confidence to commit to mortgages.

“I am confident that once the interest rates start to drop in the summer there will be more cuts to come and therefore, people will adjust their finances accordingly and get back into the market.

“In my opinion, there are too many overpriced houses on the market at the moment and we will start to see movement. With more sellers, there will be more options and that will take the edge off the overpriced properties."

Steve Elliott, Chemical Industries Association:

“Congratulations to Sir Keir Starmer and the Labour Party. What we now need is policy stability and a partnership with business, the trade unions and others to deliver economic growth, environmental progress and social inclusion for business and for the UK as a whole.”