Are we alone, or do you believe there are there really aliens out there?

There is and always has been an endless debate about UFOs.

Whether you've seen flying discs, glowing triangles or cylinders, dozens of mysterious objects are reported floating in our sky every year.

Hartlepool, Newcastle and Stockton are just some of the locations where UFOs have been reported, according to data by UFOIdentified

Here are some reported sightings of UFOs from across the North East in 2023 - have you ever seen one?


Spherical lights

On September 2, 2023, one eagle-eyed member of the public in Stockton said they saw lights in a triangular form at 2pm.

The description says: "Three spherical lights in a triangle formation, flashing in a stationary position. A helicopter passed overhead and lights disappeared."

Beeping noises

Just after 11pm on August 5, 2023, one person reported seeing a delta shape in Stockton.

The report reads: "Number of stars transformed to make a delta shape, then clustered together whilst moving, making electronic/beeping noises."

White shape

In Stockton again, someone says they saw a white shape followed by a black cylinder at 3:45pm on July 29, 2023.

They reported a: "White shape, small from a distance, moving across the sky followed by a black circle flying really fast."

Three crafts

This time a Hartlepool resident says they saw a trio of crafts circling the sky together at 6;30pm on January 24, 2024.

"Three bright crafts all circling each other then split up before going their separate ways," the report said. 

Tyne and Wear

Bright light

In Newcastle at 5pm on September 4, 2023, a bright light from "nowhere" spooked one local.

They said: "Bright light appeared from nowhere. Initially stationary for a time then zig-zagged a little before heading to the East."

Silver object

In South Shields, an object was seen just after 4pm on August 4.

The report says: "Silver tumbling object with a dark underneath over South Shields, travelling from East to West before stopping and disappearing."

White light

At 11:45pm on July 28, 2023, one resident says they spotted a light that disappeared in Newcastle.

They say: "White light very high in the sky heading in a straight line then suddenly curved and headed towards the North West then vanished."


One mysterious sight in Newcastle just after midnight on July 23, 2023 was a triangle.

"Triangle object with three lights flying along the line of the coast at unimaginable speed making no noise then took off upwards," reads the report.


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Silver curve

Colourful lights were the sight for one Newcastle resident at 6pm on May 15, 2023.

Curved silver object with blue, white, and orange lights attached to it. Came from the North Sea spinning and moving oddly