Tory party chairman Richard Holden has clinched victory in Basildon and Billericay by just 20 votes following two recounts and a bundle check. 

Mr Holden was declared MP of Basildon and Billericay with a total of 12,905, just 20 more votes than Labour's candidate Alex Harrison, who was runner-up, getting 12,885 votes. 

Mr Holden, who was formerly MP for North West Durham, refused to speak to the press for the entirety of the count event, and refused the Echo's request for interview on multiple occasions.

In his victory speech, Mr Holden said: "Thank you first of all to the police and returning officers and particularly to all who supported this free and fair election campaign.

"My utmost thanks goes to the people of Basildon and Billericay whether you voted for me or not in this campaign I will fight in your corner and I an deeply honoured you have put your trust in me as your new local MP."

Mr Holden added that he "will fight day and night" to make his new constituents voices heard.

He added: "Tonight has been a very difficult night for the conservative party and many of my colleagues, friends as well as Conservative members and voters up and down the country.

"Our democracy is part of what makes Britain the best country in the world and the British people have spoken tonight and that is a result we must respect.

"But the work begins again tomorrow to regain the country's trust, this isn't just about rebuilding the Conservative party, which we will rebuild, it is also about protecting hard-working British taxpayers and the country we all love."

The vote was declared after two full recounts, with the initial result being expected for 1am and being called at 3.54am, extended further as a result of a bundle check, a mini-recount. 

Mr Holden left immediately after the event, refusing to take questions from the press as did Mr Harrison, who refused comment for the entire night, alongside Mr Holden.