A man who repeatedly assaulted his partner for two weeks after his release from prison is back behind bars.

Metin Ucarcan punched and choked the woman on several occasions while he tried to rekindle their relationship after serving his sentence for burglary.

Teesside Crown Court heard how the 32-year-old’s abusive behaviour pushed the woman to the brink of killing herself.

Ryan Donoghue, prosecuting, said the complainant had broken their relationship off with Ucarcan was locked up two years ago but it restarted when he was released in May this year.

He said the defendant repeatedly tried to contact her and would throw stones at her windows to get her attention and on one occasion struck her to the head with one before his behaviour became more violent.

The court heard how Ucarcan grabbed the woman by the throat and pushed her into a car when they became embroiled in an argument in the street on May 6.

Mr Donoghue said the defendant attacked the woman again on May 26. “She told him she no longer wanted to be in a relationship with him,” he said.

“He became angry and started punching her in the face. They went into the house where he smashed the television and pushed her against a wall and strangled her until she couldn’t breathe and could see stars.

“He threw her onto the sofa and continued to strangle her. He had only been out of prison for little over two weeks.”

The lawyer said one another occasion following the funeral of the victim’s grandfather Ucarcan took the woman to a field where he treated her like a dog, hit her with a mobile phone and encouraged her to jump off a bridge.

The court heard how Ucarcan was jailed for three years and one month in June last year.

Metin UcarcanMetin Ucarcan (Image: Durham Police)

Ucarcan, of Hewitson Road, Darlington, pleaded guilty to two charges of battery, intentional strangulation, criminal damage and coercive and controlling behaviour throughout May.

Duncan McReddie, mitigating, said his client is remorseful for his behaviour following his release from prison.

He added: “He accepts that when he has been drinking their relationship deteriorated.”

Recorder Thomas Moran jailed Ucarcan for a total of two years and eight months for all offences after he had driven the woman to the brink of suicide.

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“You were harassing her since your release from prison, repeatedly contacting her and attending her home shouting and screaming,” he said.

“Following her grandfather’s funeral, at a time when you should be supportive to her, you took her to a field, commanded her like a dog, hit her over the head with a mobile phone and encouraged her to jump off a bridge.

“That is the one element that you deny.”

Ucarcan was also issued with a ten-year restraining order to protect the victim.