PLANS have been submitted to Darlington Borough Council to improve the frontage of a takeaway shop.

Shop front improvement works includE new timber fascia, timber pilaster to replace existing LH metal pilaster, replacement lighting and signage together with associated works, at Speedy Pepper, in Skinnergate, Darlington.

The property is a traditionally designed terraced building with a modern shopfront at ground floor.

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In developing the proposals the architects have sought to secure a design that is of a high quality finish, which both respects the character and appearance of the existing building and wider street scene of Skinnergate.

The existing shopfront at 8A has two differing pilaster designs and it is intended to introduce a matching pilaster to the left hand side of the frontage to create an improved and balanced appearance.

The proposed works are limited to small improvements to the existing takeaway shopfront new fascia and signage.

It is not considered that the proposal will give rise to any issues in respect of highway safety or adverse impacts on neighbouring amenity.