Police are appealing for witnesses after a man was assaulted in Delves Lane, Consett, on the evening of May 27.

A man in his early 30s was attacked by approximately four or five men, who hit him in the head, then proceeded to punch and kick him while he lay on the ground.

The incident happened on Woody Close between 9pm and 9.30pm on Bank Holiday Monday, May 27.

The victim sustained a bust lip, swollen eye, and cuts and bruises to his body.

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Suspects went on to smash the victim's car windows using what police to be either a hammer or metal bar.

The assailants escaped in two vehicles, a green 4x4, and a black Nissan Juke.

One attacker is identified as a medium-built white male, about 5ft 7 tall, sporting mousy brown/blond hair, glasses and a retro tracksuit top.

Members of the public with any information about the incident should contact PC Robson at Consett Police, quoting incident number 374 of May 27.