Redevelopment of Prince Bishops Shopping Centre in Durham including a new commercial space, hotel, student accommodation and a public square is set to be discussed by Durham County Council's planning committee on Wednesday.

The redevelopment application by Citrus (PBishops) Durham Ltd will see the commercial area shrinking from 16,303 sqm to 6,296 sqm and shredded into 30 new units.

It will also feature a 101-room hotel and a student accommodation block comprising of 408 units.

However, the development will necessitate a drop in parking spaces, with nine fewer spots available after the building completes.

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A new public square will also be created.

It is expected that the redevelopment will create 550 jobs during construction and 345 permanent roles after completion.

While Historic England approves of the designs for blending the modern architectural elements into the area's historical character, the Parish Council and other groups have raised concerns about the need for student accommodation, potential impact on retail space, and highway safety.

Approval for the application is pending the completion of a Section 106 Planning Obligation and the fulfilment of specific conditions.

This includes a £98,100 contribution to Open Space, £85,680 toward healthcare provision, and a S.39 Agreement to secure the long-term management and maintenance of biodiversity land.

Conditions state that the development must initiate within three years from the date of permission and stick to the approved plans and documents.

The planning committee meeting is scheduled for 10am on July 3.