A predatory sex offender who systematically abused three young victims has locked up for 20 years after he inflicted significant psychological damage on them.

Carl Gowland’s decade-long abuse started before he was a teenager and continued until he was in his 20s, Teesside Crown Court heard.

The 37-year-old was finally brought to justice when the victims bravely told police about the appalling abuse they had suffered at the pervert’s hands.

Judge Jonathan Carroll told the defendant his continued denial of the abuse following his conviction played a part in his sentencing.

“Throughout this time, you directed towards them persistent, continuous and relentless sexual obsession,” he said.

“You went beyond mere opportunism to targeting and to creating opportunities. Manipulating situations and presenting enticements – things that would attract children.”

Carl GowlandCarl Gowland (Image: Cleveland Police)

The judge told the defendant that his relatively young age at the time of his offending would result in a slightly reduced sentence.

“You still don’t accept any responsibility,” he added. “Until you start to accept some responsibility, you will continue to pose a risk to children.

“You have shown no regret or remorse.”

Shaun Dodds, prosecuting, said there were some elements of grooming involved in Gowland’s abuse as he would offer them access to computer games.

In an impact statement read out in court, one of the victims said: “I felt so sad, confused, and lonely for many periods of my life. I’ve become a lot more introverted.

"Some days I didn’t want to be alive.”

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Gowland, of Durness Grove, Hartlepool, was found guilty of a catalogue of sexual offences, including sexual intercourse with a child under 13, rape, indecent assault, and indecency with a child.

Paul Abrahams, mitigating, told the court that his client had committed no further offences since his early 20s.

Gowland was made the subject of an indefinite restraining and sexual harm prevention orders.

He will also be on the sex offenders’ register for life and told he would serve an additional one-year on licence following his release.