A County Durham man has admitted trying to have sexual conversations online with a girl he thought was 13-years-old.

But Stuart Brown was actually speaking to an undercover officer on messaging app Kik, Newton Aycliffe Magistrates' Court was told on Tuesday (June 25).

Brown admitted a charge of attempting to engage in sexual communications with a child between May 20 and June 2 last year.

The 42-year-old, of no fixed abode but from the Stanley area, sent messages tell the girl she was “naughty” along with a picture of himself in the shower.

Prosecutor Ms Kemp told the court: “The defendant had conversations with an undercover officer he believed was a 13-year-old.

Newton Aycliffe Magistrates' Court.Newton Aycliffe Magistrates' Court. (Image: STUART BOULTON)

“He continues to speak with this person and told her she was naughty, and sent an image of himself in the shower, and requested images.”

The court heard he had no previous convictions but that his conviction was too serious to be sentenced at the magistrate’s court.

He will now appear before Durham Crown Court on July 23 for sentencing.

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District Judge Steven Hood told him: “You pleaded guilty to this offence. You will be given credit for the fact that you pleaded guilty.

“This matter is to go to the crown court.”

Judge Hood extended bail for Brown but warned him breaking his bail could see him hauled back before the court. He was also told he will need to appear for the future date.