School, community and church groups can help Durham Cathedral to spread the word of peace this summer.

The cathedral is hosting a mass-participation artwork by Peter Walker which will be made up of thousands of individually handmade paper doves.

They are to be suspended from the cathedral’s nave next month in an artwork set to music by composer David Harper.

(Image: Durham Cathedral)

Since April cathedral visitors, as well as local groups, church communities and schools, have been getting involved to create some of the 15,000 paper doves needed for the installation.

But more helping hands would be welcome to help reach the 15,000-target figure.

When crafting individual peace doves, the creators are invited to write a message of peace, love and hope.

The final result will be installed on July 25 to give a tranquil sense of serenity and peace to greet visitors to the 900-year-old World Heritage site.

Anyone visiting the cathedral prior to then can write a message of peace, love and friendship on a paper peace dove beside the font.

(Image: Durham Cathedral)

They are then welcome to return between July 26 and September 4 to see the fruits of their labours on show in their final form.

There is no admission charge to see the installation or to make a peace dove.

No booking is required and donations are welcome.

(Image: The Northern Echo)

Andrew Usher, the Chief Officer for Visitor Experience and Enterprise at Durham Cathedral, said: "We’re delighted to be showcasing the Peace Doves installation this summer and we’re aware that it will take a long time to handcraft the number of doves needed.

“So, we’re now asking for the help of visitors, schools and local communities and inviting everyone to come and create one of the 15,000 doves that make up this meaningful installation.

“As a mass-participation artwork, it’s a unique opportunity for people to be involved in creating something truly special.”

The Very Revd Dr Philip Plyming, Dean of Durham says,

"Jesus said 'blessed are the peacemakers' and certainly in our world today peace is needed more than ever.

"The Peace Doves installation represents a chance for people of all faiths and backgrounds to come into this historic house of prayer and offer their own different voices, wishes and prayers in the cause of peace.

"I am looking forward to welcoming people from across our communities to Durham Cathedral to be part of this remarkable artwork and offering to God."

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The Peace Dove installation will be on display in the cathedral Nave from July 26 to September 4.

There is also an opportunity to sit down under 15,000 peace doves and enjoy an exclusive three-course meal in the Crossing at the cathedral surrounded by the serenity of the peace doves installation and its soundtrack.

Bookings for the Peace Doves dining experience, on Thursday, August 22 or 29, both at 7.30pm, can be made via the cathedral website.