There's been a flurry of comments from The Northern Echo readers on their favourite spot to buy a parmo.

As a Teesside delicacy, it's no surprise that it has so many fans.

The love for parmo is spread far and wide throughout the region, reflected in the diverse answers offered by readers.

One of the top recommendations was the Blue Lagoon in Darlington.

Colin Wood said: "Blue Lagoon Darlington had it on the menu before it was "discovered" in the Boro."

Christine Horner heartily confirmed Mr Wood's sentiment, adding, "Yes they did, haven't had a parmo to beat theirs since, it went well with creamy cabbage."

Besides Darlington, there was an obvious fondness for Central Park in Middlesbrough.

Top fan Wendy Atkinson named it as her favourite, a sentiment echoed by Echo readers Joanne Whaley and Kerry Chantrell.

There were also several nods to homemade parmo.

Mark Oxley pointed out that his father's homemade parmo won't be beaten, while Anne-Marie Gig and Ruth Coad also named their own kitchens as the top spot.

Katherine Bell, Emma Norah and Samantha Daniel expressed their preference for Crustys Pizzeria in Darlington, while Manjaros in Middlesbrough, the Ship Inn in Middlestone, and the Silver Cod in Norton also received multiple mentions.

A notable recommendation included Fatsos on Linthorpe Road where, according to Ian Ryder, Tom Maclachlan cooked the best parmo in the early '90s.


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York House Caravan Park in Whitby turned up as a surprise contender, courtesy of Ronnie Hunt.

There was even an interesting take from Stu Holland who reminded: "Hate to break it to you.

"Probably in Italy, as that's where Chicken Parmesan or parmigiana originated."

Yet, for all the passion of the parmo, the delicacy has its detractors too.

Richard Devin recommended the nearest bin as the best place for it, while Adam Wilkinson would rather have a pork pie. The two were clearly not fans.

Meanwhile, Fiona Riddle said: "I've yet to find the best parmo."