Works to refurbish a busy road in central Durham will begin this weekend, as part of the final stages of the bus station redevelopment. 

Works on North Road will start on Sunday, June 23 and last for 14 weeks, and plans include the removal of temporary bus stops, repairing existing pedestrian guardrails, and refurbishing footpaths and street furniture.

To reduce disruption the work will happen in stages, with traffic management measures in place.

The first phase, beginning this weekend, will start opposite the bus station, working upward towards North Road roundabout, and will take about seven weeks. During this time, buses will only be able to turn right out of the station and there will be restricted access to drivers between 9am and 5pm.

Later in the summer the second phase will begin from the bus station towards Crossgate Peth, for a further seven weeks. During this time buses will only be able to turn left out of the station.

Some bus services will be running revised routes while the work is carried out, with notices to be published to advise passengers of changes.

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Cllr John Shuttleworth said: "North Road is the gateway to the historic city of Durham and is the first area many visitors see if they arrive by bus or train.

"The enhancements are the final stage of works that have already delivered the new Durham Bus Station and we want to take this opportunity to regenerate North Road and give it a more modern and welcoming first impression.

"The work will reinforce Durham's standing as a thriving place to visit; helping attract residents, visitors and shoppers to the city and supporting our independent businesses."