A council worker who dished out a parking ticket while wearing a face covering has been warned it is ‘not appropriate’ following a public backlash.

The man was photographed wearing a black mask across his nose and mouth as well as a black beanie hat meaning only his eyes were visible.

It looked like he was writing a parking ticket at the time for a motorist in Hartlepool and the picture was circulated on social media.

Residents were quick to react with some light-hearted comments saying he looked like ‘a ninja’.

But others expressed serious concerns and said the unusual look could be intimidating.

Iain J Mindwraith said: “If you are that scared about being identified it is probably not the right job for him.

“I can understand his worries, but this is intimidating and potentially frightening to many.

“Also, far better if traffic wardens are highly visible so are seen about as a deterrent rather than a stealth tax on the unwary.”

Some people felt he may be cautious about reprisals or embarrassed about issuing fixed penalties to people.

Lesley Watson said: “It's obviously to protect himself from being recognized (and assaulted or abused!) when he's not doing his job.

“Traffic wardens get singled out and hassled when they're going about their daily business off duty around here.

“I think I'd be hiding myself too.”

Angela Robson Berry said she had spoke to the man a few weeks ago.

She said: “I was asking a question and he pulled it down to talk to me. He was lovely and polite.

“I think because he's giving tickets out just wants to cover his identity, which I would probably.”

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Hartlepool Borough Council said the man is one of the civil enforcement officers.

As well as parking their duties include proactively tackling a range of environmental issues which adversely affect residents’ lives, including fly-tipping, dog fouling and litter.

A Hartlepool Borough Council spokesperson said: “We have spoken to the employee concerned and advised him that such a face covering is not appropriate.”