A ‘violent bully’ who smashed up his partner’s home when she ended their relationship following claims of his infidelity landed himself in court.

Scott McKinley flew into a rage and slashed his victim’s sofa with a knife while ripping pictures from the walls and leaving the house trashed.

The 36-year-old ended his ‘appalling behaviour’ by slapping the mother of his child across the face leaving a red mark.

Teesside Crown Court heard how McKinley was arrested at the scene after his victim called the police after he assaulted her in the early hours of December 4 last year.

Jon Harley, prosecuting, said the pair had an argument the night before the defendant turned up at her home and started banging on the door demanding to be let in.

He said: “Just after 4am he attended her home, banging on the door and demanding to be in. she told the defendant to go away but he continued shouting to be let in.

“Not wanting to wake the neighbours, she went downstairs to let him but he was already in the house.

“An argument began again; she told him she didn’t want to be with him and he began to damage things.

“He pulled pictures off the wall, ripped the sofa with a knife and smashed windows in interior doors.”

The court heard how McKinley had a young child with another woman which he fathered during his on/off relationship with the victim of his abuse.

McKinley, of Earlston Walk, Hartlepool, pleaded guilty to common assault and causing criminal damage.

Stephen Constantine, mitigating, said his client is making efforts to be a father to both children and urged the judge to follow the recommendations of his pre-sentence report.

Recorder Taryn Turner branded McKinley was being a ‘violent bully’ on that night as she passed a suspended prison sentence.

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She said: “You set about ripping apart the sitting room. I have seen the photographs of it, there’s stuff strewn all over the place.

“Ripping the blinds and sofa in the property, this is not just the home of your former partner but your own child.

“This was appalling behaviour.”

McKinley was sentenced to three months in custody suspended for six months. He was also ordered to attend 20 rehabilitation activity requirement days, attend 30 sessions of an accredited course to address his behaviour, and made subject of a six month trail monitoring order.