A woman has admitted causing head injuries in a bottling incident, but she disputes the number of times she struck the victim.

Hannah Groves appeared at Durham Crown Court on a committal for sentence having pleaded guilty to a charge of assault, causing actual bodily harm, at a magistrates’ court hearing last month.

The incident is said to have taken place at an address in Bishop Auckland, on Sunday February 4, this year.

Following her guilty plea, the magistrates sent the case to be sentenced at the crown court.

(Image: The Northern Echo)

When the intended sentencing hearing began, Elisha Marsay, representing the defendant, indicated that a basis of plea had been uploaded onto the court computer system by the defence team.

But Charlie Thompson, prosecuting, said he has been given an indication that the basis put forward by the defendant may not be acceptable to the Crown.

Miss Marsay said the main point of contention is over the amount of times the complainant in the case was hit by a bottle wielded by the defendant.

“The complainant says it was three times and the defendant maintains said she hit her once, and the bottle smashed as a consequence.

“The issue is whether that will make a material difference to the sentence.

“The defendant indicates she has, in no way, used the events leading up to the incident with the bottle as justification and accepts full responsibility.

“It goes towards her relations with the complainant.”

(Image: The Northern Echo)

Judge Richard Bennett said: “She accepts using the bottle and striking the complainant to the head with it, but says it was only once.

“There seems to be a history.”

Mr Thompson said: “The Crown’s concern is that practically, on the complainant’s account, it doesn’t make a difference whether she has been hit with the bottle one or three times.”

But he said the concern is that the defendant alleges in the background to the incident she claims to have been assaulted previously by the complainant.

“So, because of that, the Crown can’t accept the basis.

“To simply accept Miss Groves account would not be acceptable.”

Judge Bennett said: “I suppose those instructing you have not had a chance to consider that.”

He said he would adjourn the case for two weeks to enable the Crown to give full consideration if the basis is to be formally accepted.

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If not, the judge said he would fix a date for a Newton hearing (trial of issue) to resolve the issue.

The case will be back before the court in the week of July 1 to hear the Crown’s decision as to the plea basis offered by the defence.

Judge Bennett bailed the 36-year-old defendant to an address in Mexborough, South Yorkshire, to return for the next hearing, likely to be on July 2.