Residents have been left shocked and ‘disgusted’ after fly-tipping was found on a Darlington back street.

The waste was found by a resident dumped and strewn across the street in the alley between Cumberland Street and North Road Cemetery on Monday (June 17).

Darlington Borough Council said their crews have since attended and removed the waste.

(Image: Pat Blewitt)

They added anyone found  illegally dumping waste could face a £50,000 fine and five-year prison sentence.

The council said: “Our crews have attended and removed the waste.

"Fly-tipping blights communities. Anyone found guilty of the illegal dumping of waste could face a fine of up to £50,000 and a prison sentence of up to five years.

(Image: Pat Blewitt)

“We can also give out fixed penalty notices of up to £400 to anyone caught littering, leaving out rubbish or dumping unwanted household items.”

Residents called the act “disgusting” and condemned the “lowlife scumbags” who caused the mess.

(Image: Pat Blewitt)

One furious resident said: “To even call these scum bags 'pond life' is an insult to pond life!”

Another said: “When some lowlife scumbags decide to decorate the alley between Cumberland Street and the cemetery”

(Image: Pat Blewitt)

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(Image: Pat Blewitt)

While another incensed resident said: “That amount is a tipper load surely, someone heard something, disgusting.

“Fingers crossed they are caught, named, and shamed”

For details on how to report fly-tipping, visit here.