The team involved in bringing Kynren to life has undergone rigorous training with international fighting choreographers ahead of their first performance on July 27.

The Bishop Auckland production prepared the crew to finely depict the scenes of combats and wars from England's history.

Nearly 1,000 volunteers will help recreate two millennia of historic events at the show.

(Image: Stuart Boulton)

To simulate the historical combats effectively, Kynren organisers enlisted True Edge, a London-based entity specializing in stage fight choreography.

They dedicatedly trained volunteers for large-scale outdoor performances.

Rachid Sabitri, Brit School graduate and the creative director at True Edge, said: "Kynren is an amazing production to work on because it covers such a breadth of history and fighting styles."

(Image: Stuart Boulton)

Training sessions for the 2024 round of performances began as early as February.

A variety of combat techniques such as sword etiquette, parrying and passing of swords and staging a death on the battlefield were all encompassed in the training.

"The cast we worked with during the intensive 2-day training session varied in age from teenagers, starring as young Arthur, to people in their 60s", Rachid further added.

(Image: Stuart Boulton)

True Edge was integral in arranging combat scenes for productions like Disney's Aladdin in London's West End and The Jungle off-Broadway.

They are also known for their work in comedy stunts for televised productions.

The noteworthy task of coordinating the massive set of volunteers falls to Wendy Wilshere, the head of volunteer casting and engagement.


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She said: "We're indebted to the volunteers who help us tell the story of Kynren each summer here in Bishop Auckland."

The local spectacle translates England's history from Boudicca's campaigns against the Romans to the two World Wars into compelling scenes on its enormous outdoor stage.

The audience can expect to witness scenes with Vikings, Tudors, Stuarts, Queen Victoria and the Industrial Revolution, among others.

The shows are scheduled on every Saturday night, starting on July 27 until September 14.

An audience area seating 8,000 members provides a comprehensive view of the outdoor stage.

Adult tickets start from £26 while that for the under-18's starts from £16.

To find out more or to purchase tickets, visit