The general election is just weeks away - and we've been speaking to all the candidates standing in Darlington.

Our second interview in our series is with Matthew Snedker - the Green Party candidate hoping to be your next MP when the nation goes to the polls on July 4.

To find out a bit more about Matthew and his plans for Darlington should he become the town's next MP, we sat down with him for a coffee.

Matthew, tell us a bit about yourself.

"Darlington is just a beautiful town. It is so well placed," Matthew began, explaining his childhood in the West Midlands before he went on to study engineering.

"I’ve lived in Darlington for 23 years. I chose to bring my family up here; my three children have attended local schools.

"I am actually already serving Darlington as a borough counsellor and have been for five years representing the college ward area. I also lead the group of seven green councillors on the council."

Why do you want to be the town's next MP?

Matthew explained he first got involved because he was ‘frustrated’ with local politics.

He added: "We are not going to form a government, we are not going to have a green Prime Minister, we know that.

"But, Greens in parliament will keep the government right and bring forward really positive and innovative ideas."

Matthew reflected on his time at the council: "The last time we went to the polls in 2023 we got around 20% of the vote so people in Darlington now realise that the greens are a massive force.

"Everyone knows that the Tories are toasted whatever Rishi Sunak does in this election campaign makes things worse. People in Darlington now have a choice in the past they may have voted Blue to keep out the Reds or voted Reds to keep out the Blue.

"They have a different choice, people are looking for a party that is invested locally and shares a lot of their values.

"All manifesto is head and shoulders above the other parties and it offers real hope and real change. we have been very honest, that will need money.

"We are the seventh richest country on the planet but does it look like it when you go around the High Street?"

What are some of the main things people have been saying to you on the doorstep?

Matthew said: "One of the things people are saying to me on the doorstep is the state of the economy – it isn’t working for them anymore.

"They know that the country is rich, over the last 14 years the country has still generated wealth, but it has gone to fewer and fewer people.

"They have seen the inequality, injustice, of having their core local services eroded and underfunded.

"But in the meantime, we have seen some people doing incredibly well and it does just not seem fair."

Another prominent issue mentioned by voters to Matthew is the cost of living crisis.

"It’s having an effect on people in their day-to-day life, whether they choose to heat or eat," he said.

"That then has a direct effect on small local businesses because of people have less spare money in their pocket at the end of the week."

Tell us a bit about the Green Party manifesto.

Matthew was quick to emphasise the push on the green manifesto was restoring trust and being "fair". The party wants to restore trust between the government and the people.

He then listed the following as some focus points for the party across the country and here in Darlington should they be elected.

  • Investing in public transport, particularly on a universal £1 bus fare
  • Putting the trains in public ownership
  • Putting water companies in public ownership
  • Giving people access to green space
  • Investing in affordable housing in the 'right' place

You mentioned transport there, which has made me think of the Leamside Line - do you think that is something the Greens would consider delivering for the North East?

Matthew said: "I would really like to explore that further. I think it has really strong possibilities up and down the country. There are a lot of railway lines that could be reopened."

He added the line could unlock "huge potential".

On that note, is there a plan to bring down rail fares?

Matthew said: "If rail companies are not being run for profit, there is no need for such high prices."

I did notice you are a supporter of the Queerish Book Shop as well as trans rights - what are your views on the Conservative's plans to ban trans people from single-sex spaces?

Matthew said: "I’ve always been supportive of LGBT plus rights but the focus is on trans people now. But, as long as they have been people that have been trans people if you look through history almost every culture has acknowledged and embraced it.

"It is really sad and it makes me angry that trans rights have been deliberately weaponised by politicians to drive between communities and force people to try and pick a side.

"It reminds me of growing up in the 70s and of gay and lesbian rights. It is almost exactly the same – people were told in the 70s and 80s that gay people were dangerous, dirty, predatory and weren’t to be trusted.

"That caused fear and we are seeing the exact same thing with trans people now. I understand that trans people are a valid part of our community and the process of transitioning is incredibly difficult.

"In terms of protecting vulnerable people, I see misogyny is a far greater problem."

You have described yourself as a European and the Green Party is very pro EU. Do you think this would discourage Darlington residents who voted for Brexit in 2016 to choose you as their MP?

Matthew replied: "I think people are allowed to change their mind

"People see the evidence and they make their mind up based on evidence and they can change their mind - we should allow them to do that.

"We can’t say that if you voted once, that is it, forever. People also voted for Brexit based on lies - no one is prepared to defend the claims made by the leave campaign in the lead-up to the referendum.

"I think Brexit has cost us hugely - not only economically but with our reputation."

Lastly, tell us why you think people should vote for you to be Darlington's next MP.

"A vote for the Green Party is a party that is being honest with you about what the country needs to move forward. A country that works for everyone, not just the rich," Matthew said.

"Cuts have damaged and degraded many of the core services that you need to feel safe in this country.


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"We are talking about a reform of the tax system to make it fair and about 2% of people in the country will end up paying more but they are the ones who can afford it.

"Real hope and real change is the opportunity here.

"We know we are not going to form the next government but we need to have Greens in Westminster keeping the other parties right."