A casting call has been made for people to feature in the last-ever series of the popular ITV drama Vera.

Talent scouts are looking for adults for a parade scene in Northumberland with a particular requirement for people with a "characterful look" and a bit '"new Age or quirky".

Multiple roles are available, with a special shoutout for musicians who own and can play a tambourine and/or marching drum.

Own transport is vital as the calls will be very early in the morning.

Brenda Blethyn recently announced that she will depart Vera after more than a decade of starring in the long-running detective show.(Image: PA)

The English actress, 78, will return for a 14th and final series, playing Detective Chief Inspector Vera Stanhope.

Speaking earlier, she said: “Working on Vera has been a joy from beginning to end and I’m sad to be saying Cheerio. But I am so proud of our achievements over the last 14 years.

“I’ll be forever grateful to the wonderful Ann Cleeves who created Vera, and to Elaine Collins who saw fit to cast me in the role.

“The producers, dream cast and crew have been fabulous and I’m going to miss them, but I won’t forget their huge talent, the camaraderie, laughter or kindness we shared nor the friendship of the people of the North East and our fans worldwide. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.”(Image: Terry Blackburn)

She will film her last season this summer, which will bring more stories of murder mysteries from the North East of England in the form of two, two-hour episodes.

The drama is based on the Vera Stanhope novels written by Ann Cleeves, whose works have also been adapted into the TV shows Shetland and The Long Call.

Shared by local talent agent NE14.tv, the post appealed for more people to volunteer to be involved in the parade, as spectators, with the option of joining for a two-day shoot on July 1 and 4, involving a costume fitting next week on June 21/24.(Image: PA)

Adult parade goers are required for July 4 only, with with no need for costume fitting.

To apply email dee@ne14.tv with a recent selfie (not a professional headshot).

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The Northern Echo:

Anyone applying for a musician role is asked to provide a selfie with their instrument.

Please specify your availability and state the role you are applying for in your email (Parade Goer 2 Day, Parade Goer 1 Day or Musician). Also include contact details including a telephone number.

People who have applied for this job before are requested not to reapply.

For full details click here