Here are a few of the people who were sentenced at Newton Aycliffe Magistrates’ court this week.

The ten offenders to have been sentenced include those convicted of possession of a knife, drink drivers, a drug user and burglars.

Kieran Kenneally, of Milton Street, Darlington, pleaded guilty to possession of knife after he was arrested near his home on May 21. The 32-year-old was given a six month custodial sentence suspended for 12 months. He was also ordered to pay towards court costs and had the knife seized.

Thomas Smith, of no fixed abode, pleaded guilty to using threatening and abusive language in Darlington on June 8. The 28-year-old was given a 12-month conditional discharge and ordered to pay £85 towards court costs.

Jessica Miller, of Beverley Road, Grangetown, Sunderland, pleaded guilty to failing to give a specimen of breath when she stopped on suspicion of drink driving in Peterlee on May 25. The 35-year-old was banned from driving for 16 months and fined £200. She was also ordered to pay £165 in court costs.

Shaun Chester, of Clarence Corner, Newton Aycliffe, pleaded guilty to possession  a small tin foil wrap, cannabis grinder and grim reaper themed foil packet all containing quantities of cannabis when he was arrested in Darlington on June 10. The 26-year-old was fined £80 and had all the items confiscated.

Terry Pringle, of Helford Road, Peterlee, pleaded guilty to two charges of burglary of schools with intent to steal. The 41-year-old targeted Shotton Hall Infant School on June 4 and Our Lady of the Rosary Primary School on June 3. He was made subject of a 16-week custodial sentence suspended for 12 months and ordered to pay a total of £300 in compensation to the schools.

Christopher Webster, of Headlam Road, Darlington, pleaded guilty to stealing  air fresheners and laundry products, to the value of £25 belonging to Savers Health and Beauty on May 4. The 41-year-old was jailed for six weeks and ordered to pay £25 in compensation.

Connor Bradley, of Annand Road, Gilesgate, County Durham, pleaded guilty to breaching a non-molestation order between March 6 and May 30. The 18-year-old was given an 18-month community order and told he must attend 25 rehabilitation activity requirement days and take part in a 12-month mental health treatment order.

Matthew Holden, of Beech Park, Brandon, County Durham, admitted committing criminal damage in at  Blackhall Colliery on March 7. The 25-year-old was ordered to pay £300 in compensation to the victim.

Kevin James, of Newton Drive, Durham, pleaded guilty to burglary of a house on Carrside, Durham, where he stole an electrical saw, paint and paint brushes. The 42-year-old was made subject to an 18-month community order with conditions attached including a six-month alcohol treatment order and to attend ten rehabilitation activity requirement days.

Gary Taylor, of  Kent Road, Consett, pleaded guilty to drink driving on Merrington Lane, Spennymoor, on November 7 when he was more than four times over the limit. The 47-year-old also admitted failing to stop for the police. He was banned from driving for three years and given a six-month alcohol treatment program as part of his 18-month community order.