The candidates standing for election in the North Durham constituency have announced their campaigns to voters. 

Rishi Sunak announced the General Election for July 4 last month, saying it was “the moment for Britain to choose its future”.

Wards: Annfield Plain, Chester-le-Street East, Chester-le-Street North, Chester-le-Street South, Chester-le-Street West Central, Craghead and South Moor, Lanchester, Lumley, North Lodge, Pelton, Sacriston, Stanley, Tanfield.

Previous MP: Kevan Jones, Labour 

Luke Akehurst, Labour

I want to make North Durham the centre of my political life, in fact, the centre of my whole life. Communities like Stanley, Chester-le-Street, and the villages here desperately need a Labour Party that is common sense and can win elections. 

It’s outrageous the way communities like this have been left behind by 14 years of Tory cuts and austerity. 

I am absolutely passionate about making sure people in Chester-le-Street, Stanley, and the villages in the constituency have an optimistic future, have the best lives for their kids, and aren’t faced with difficult choices but have the best life they possibly can.”

Chris Bradburn, Workers Party

I am a son of County Durham. So when I say I understand the NHS waiting times are too long, it's because I'm experiencing it myself.

When I say I understand schools not being able to fund supplies, or look after our SEND kids because of budget cuts, it's because my little girl goes to a nursery in North Durham, and parents talk to each other.

We need someone local to look after our issues and cut through red tape to get North Durham what we need. Labour and The Tories have failed us.

The Workers Party is the change we need.

George Carter, Conservative

I started my professional life as a teacher at Greencroft School in Annfield Plain in the late 90s and then followed a career in finance returning to Durham last year after spending 17 years in New Zealand. 

Since arriving back in Durham I have become a governor at a local school which fits in with my passion for education, and I have been part of a team that has just launched a Community Interest Company (CIC) to help bring jobs and training back to County Durham.  I firmly believe that it is through education, training and employment that we can build strong and vibrant communities.

I’ve also enjoyed getting involved in our church community as my Christian faith is an important part of my motivation to serve the people of this area.  County Durham is an awesome place to live and work, but the challenges we face are clear for all to see, and the solutions come from improving our mental, physical and spiritual wellbeing.

George Carter. Conservative

Tom Chittenden, Social Democratic Party

The SDP marries centre-left economics with traditional values – which other party can offer that?

I am delighted to stand in my home constituency of North Durham for a party that truly values the people of our unique country, takes pride in its history and traditions, and stands up for protecting our national assets, which should never be sold off for overseas exploitation.

North Durham has suffered since the large-scale de-industrialisation of the eighties. Hard-working, family-minded local people will resonate with many of the policies in the SDP manifesto. We pledge to reinvigorate the manufacturing industry; fill key labour shortages through vocational training courses; make British farmers more competitive; and implement a common-sense energy strategy to enable British industry to thrive locally and abroad.

Andrew Husband, Reform UK

I grew up in North Durham, I have my business in North Durham. I care about North Durham.

I am not a politician, far from it. I am a family man and an experienced employer of people who wants to see the North East and North Durham thrive. I am only interested in common sense policies, not waffle. I have lost all trust and faith in our current government, along with the opposition, therefore I question everything that is forced upon us and our country, without a vote. 

Craig Martin, Liberal Democrat

Craig Martin is campaigning for a Fair Deal for North Durham. Born and raised in Chester-Le-Street, he is the County Councillor for North Lodge, where he lives with his family. Craig's hobbies include cooking, chasing his son around playgrounds, and volunteering as a Scout Leader.

Passionate about getting a fair deal for carers by valuing the work they do, Craig is standing up for carers by inviting people to sign the Lib Dem petition to increase the Carer's Allowance for unpaid carers.

He is also determined to help deliver electoral reform, so everyone's votes count and MPs can't neglect their "safe seat".

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Sunny Moon-Schott, Green Party

North Durham is my home constituency and I'm committed to making it a fairer, safer and more pleasant place to live. I moved to Durham in early 2022 and when my wife and I were looking for our first home we fell in love with Kimblesworth.