Popular BBC show Bargain Hunt is set to film at a County Durham antiques fair next month.

Enthusiasts and participants flocking to the Wolsingham Antique and Salvage Fair will have the opportunity to feature on national television during the two-day filming on July 13 and 14.

The team at Bargain Hunt approached organisers Ken Besford and Alison Hewison in June of last year however scheduling issues meant the filming was postponed.

Mr Besford said: "It's going to be a great weekend for everyone."

(Image: Ken Besford)

Wolsingham Antiques and Salvage Fair has grown significantly over the past three years – each event attracting bigger crowds and more dealers, despite the unpredictable British weather.

"Last September, despite torrential rain all weekend, we still had a brilliant event.

"April's figures were better than last September's, and we predict that July will outdo April; we're growing all the time."

(Image: Ken Besford)

Bargain Hunt's upcoming episodes at the fair could bring further growth and attention to the event.

"When the fair announced the visit on social media, the response was overwhelming, receiving considerably more replies than typical posts.

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The Wolsingham fair is held three times a year, with events in April, July, and September.

(Image: Ken Besford)

The rural fair has attracted both dealers and visitors from across the country in recent months.

The BBC show's visit also promises a wider spotlight on the region, with filming likely to cover local historic landmarks.

Mr Besford said: "It's going to be absolutely superb.

"The exposure we'll get from Bargain Hunt will be great for everyone; for us, the dealers, and the visitors."(Image: Ken Besford)