Reform UK has published a draft version of their 'contract with the people', a document of policies they would look to implement in government.

But what does it say about the North East?

The Northern Echo has gone through the document, picking out the policy areas that refer to the region.

The contract, which is not called a manifesto as the party think it has become a synonym for a 'lie', does not specifically reference the "north east", but includes references to the "north" as a whole.

(Image: PA Images)

Chairman Richard Tice, who contested Hartlepool at the last election when the party was the Brexit Party, said that "the two-party system has failed".

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Nigel Farage's party have said that they will 'accelerate' transport plans and 'focus on the north' pledging to "Accelerate already announced transport infrastructure. Focus on the North."

Reform has also promised to "Start fast-track licences of North Sea gas and oil" which Farage believes will provide "cheap, secure energy".

The document also refers to the North when discussing housing policy.

"Fast track new housing on brownfield sites and infrastructure projects to boost businesses, especially in the North and in coastal regeneration areas."