A man who legged it from police whilst handcuffed and wearing just his boxer shorts has been locked up for more than a year.

James Roberts was given the chance to have one last drag on his vape as he was being taken into Darlington police station before taking the opportunity to make a dash for freedom.

The 25-year-old’s audacious escape bid didn’t last long as he was soon recaptured, Teesside Crown Court heard.

Ian West, prosecuting, said officers were arresting him on suspicion of arson, conspiracy to obtain a firearm, and working alongside an organised crime gang when he fled police earlier this year.

He said: “When the back was opened, the defendant, who was dressed only in his boxer shorts, was allowed to step out of the van and the officer allowed the defendant to one last drag on his vape.

“The defendant then burst away from the officers and ran away through the yard, out through the barrier, while still in his boxer shorts and handcuffed.

“He was arrested a short distance away, not very long later.”

The court heard how Roberts was also charged with assaulting an emergency worker when he lashed out with his feet when they were trying to put him in a police van when he was suspected of committing a public order offence.

Mr West said he kicked the van door into the chest of the officer before causing scrapes to the officer’s arm when she was forced to the ground as they struggled to restrain him on July 6 last year.

James RobertsJames Roberts (Image: Durham Constabulary)

Roberts, of Meadowsweet Lane, Darlington, pleaded guilty to escaping lawful custody from March 28 this year and assaulting an emergency worker.

Penny Hall, mitigating, said her client has suffered with mental health problems for a number of years and showed immediate remorse for hurting the police officer.

Dealing with his attempt to escape custody, she added: “He runs off, still with handcuffs on and in his boxer shorts only.

“There was clearly no planning, it was not sophisticated and he is quickly apprehended nearby.”

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Ms Hall said no charges arose from the arrest in March other than escaping lawful custody.

The judge, Mr Justice Jacobs, sentenced to a total of 14 months after his suspended sentence for drug offences was partially activated.

He said: “The police kindly allowed you one last drag on your vape but you burst off and were arrested a short while later, a relatively short distance away.

“You have a regrettable antecedent history for a person of your age, this includes a number of offences you have been sentenced to terms of imprisonment.”