The Northern Echo has now launched its Best Chippy 2024 competition - and your favourite chippy needs your support!

As we eagerly await to see who will be crowned as the best chippy for 2024, we're featuring one of the finalists every day for the next ten days.

Today, we are featuring Mr Chippy on Eldon Street in Darlington.

The Northern Echo: One of the owners of Mr Chippy, Michelle Preston.One of the owners of Mr Chippy, Michelle Preston. (Image: SARAH CALDECOTT)

The shop is owned and ran by Michelle Preston and her partner Mark Reeve, who were shocked when the nomination first came through as they have only been at the helm of the shop for two years.

Michelle said: "It was quite a shock really as we have only been open for the past two years. We never really expected to be on anything like that.

"Customers were sharing it on Facebook and has been telling us they had nominated us but we never really thought anything of it at the time.

"We never thought we would make it in to the top 10."

As well as running the shop, the pair have also owned a chippy van for the past ten years which can often be found in Melsonby, North Yorkshire.

"The reaction has been really good, everyone has been really supportive," she added.

"They have been saying that we really deserve it and they are hoping we get number one. They are all really excited!"

Michelle continued: "There are some great fish and chip shops in Darlington which have a great customer base. It would be nice if we can bring it home whilst being a newer business.

"Mark even said that if we made it into the top three he would be really happy!"


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To vote for your favourite, use the voting slip printed inside The Northern Echo from today until June 15.

Simply pick up a copy of The Northern Echo, tick your favourite from the list of ten finalists, and either post or hand in to your selected chippy for collection.

The winner will be announced in The Northern Echo on Monday, June 24.