Plans have been lodged to convert an empty yoga studio back into living accommodation.

Proposals have been submitted to Hartlepool Borough Council to change the use of the first and second floors of 59 Southburn Terrace. 

The application from Borthwick Properties outlines how the premises was previously a flat before permission was granted in 2018 to convert it into a commercial yoga studio with storage to the second floor.

However as of January 2024 the yoga studio is vacant and the owner is now looking to convert the unit back into residential use as a four bedroom flat.

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Access into the property would be retained to the left-hand side of the shop front, while the flat would also feature a “kitchen and open plan lounge and dining room facilities”.

A design and access statement submitted in support of the application claims the development would bring a “more efficient use of the site” and has been designed to ensure it “harmonises with the area”.

A decision is expected next month.