A man who achieves sexual gratification from making disturbing and sickening telephone calls to female emergency staff has been locked up.

Richard Ord would tell them that he had got a young girl pregnant before boasting about his addiction to raping young children – but none of his depraved claims were true.

The 44-year-old, who has a long history of making the disgusting telephone calls, has recently been diagnosed with a condition called paraphilia, Teesside Crown Court heard.

He would go into great depth during the telephone conversations with medical staff, including midwives and mental health workers, to fulfil his sexual urges.

Andrew Espley, prosecuting, said the defendant’s calls left some of the women upset but others recognised that he was trying to upset them and were more accustomed to receiving calls of a similar nature.

Ord called maternity services in the North West to tell them he had got his underage girlfriend pregnant before going into great detail about his claimed abuse, he said.

Mr Espley said the defendant also called mental health support networks carrying out the same behaviour and, in all cases, only if a woman answered his call.

“The calls couldn’t have been more offensive and that must have been deliberate,” he said.

“Women were targeted and the offences were repeated. They were false calls, in a sense, as Ord knew what he was saying was not true.”

The court heard how the defendant had a series of previous convictions for similar offences dating back several years.

Mr Espley said the defendant told police that he only committed these offences while in drink. He added: “Staying off the cider will really help him.”

The Northern Echo: Richard OrdRichard Ord (Image: Cleveland Police)

Ord, of Stakesby Close, Guisborough, pleaded guilty to eight counts of making malicious communications between March and October last year.

Simon Walker, mitigating, said his client needed specialist medical treatment to deal with his diagnosis but accepted that Ord’s drink problem exasperated the situation.

“He drinks as a coping strategy for dealing with his psychosis,” he said.

“He has been desperate for help and cannot understand why he does what he does. He now has a diagnosis which requires treatment and until he gets that treatment it’s not going to improve.”

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Judge Howard Crowson told the defendant he had sympathy with his mental health problems but told him custody was the only option for making the disturbing phone calls.

He added: “These calls some upset to people who were listening and you know that because you are claiming to have abused children in a sexual way, in a very unpleasant way.

“You haven’t harmed a child and we all know that – it’s just that one of your mental health conditions causes you to get sexual pleasure from claiming you have harmed a child.”

Ord was jailed for 12 months and made subject of a two year criminal behaviour order.