A paedophile who abused a girl more than 20 years ago has been jailed, with specialist police telling victims ‘no matter how much time has passed, we’re here for you.’

Robert Jones subjected his victim, a teenage girl, to two instances of sexual abuse in between 1998 and 1999.

After living with the devastation of Jones’ crimes for almost three decades, the brave survivor spoke out against her abuser in 2021 and an investigation was launched by police.

Jones, now 64, was arrested the same night but denied the allegations put towards him.

And in 2022, Jones was charged with two offences consisting of gross indecency with a child and indecent assault on a child – being that the offences took place before the Sexual Offences Act was introduced in 2003.

He continued to deny the allegations, however, earlier this year, a jury at Newcastle Crown Court saw through his lies and he was convicted of both offences.The Northern Echo: Robert Jones

On Tuesday (May 7), Jones, of King George Road, Colchester, Essex was handed a three-and-a-half-year sentence behind bars at the same court.

He was also given a life-long order to sign the Sex Offenders’ Register, a Sexual Harm Prevention Order (SHPO) and restraining order.

The officer leading the investigation for Northumbria Police, Detective Constable Andrea Nixon, has praised the bravery of the victim for speaking out and hopes it sends a clear message to anyone else who may be thinking of coming forward to report sexual abuse.

She said: "The outcome of this case sends a clear message – it’s never too late to seek justice, and it is possible to hold your abuser to account years, even decades, after the crimes have been committed.

“It also should be taken as a clear warning to anyone who thinks they’ve gotten away with committing non-recent abuse – we can and will find you, and your crimes will be pursued regardless of how much time has passed.

“The victim in this case has lived their entire adult life battling with what they suffered as a child, but now her voice has been fully heard.

"She is the most important person in this case and I’m proud to have helped her on her journey for justice.”

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Det Con Nixon added: "Just because something has happened a long time ago, that doesn’t mean we can’t secure a conviction just as we have in this instance.

“Please report to us and give us the opportunity to support you through this process.”

Anyone who is a victim of any sexual offending should contact police via the ‘Report’ pages on the Northumbria Police website or contact 101.