LAST week, we wondered why the restaurant in Bishop Auckland hospital had been given such an un-hospital-like name as “The Chimneys” – as everyone knows, smoking like a chimney is not good for anyone’s health.

“I worked at the hospital from 1992 to 2014, so all through the period from the old hospital in Nissen huts to the sparkly new building,” says retired consultant Heather Smith, who was there when the £66m, 286-bed premises opened in June 2002.

“We were told by management at the time that the name “The Chimneys” had been chosen because the new building incorporated fake chimneys as architectural features to make the roofscape a bit more interesting! So there’s rather a prosaic reason for the name which I don’t think is referring to any lost landmark.”

That is very disappointing, although John Rusby says: “I remember many years back and there was a very tall chimney to the right of the front of the old hospital. This was for the hospital incinerator, and I think there was a smaller one nearby. Could it be possible this is where the name has come from?”

It could be, but the hospital authorities must have been lacking a little inspiration if they named their spangly new restaurant after an old incinerator. Can you tell us any more?

The Northern Echo: Cradock Street, Bishop Auckland

“I READ with interest your story about Cradock Street,” says John Davison, referring to last week’s little piece about the unusually grand street which is opposite Bishop Auckland hospital.

“It reminded me that my great-grandfather, John Davison, an former engine driver, once owned an orchard towards the bottom of the street on the south side. He was the head man in a hunt and he was buried in his full regalia in 1930.

“The orchard passed on to my Dad’s Aunt Mary, who lived in the last house at the bottom of Alderson Street. She was always good for an apple when I was on my way to Cockton Hill School during the war!”

If you can tell us any more about any of today's topics, please email