North East MPs have penned a letter to the Chancellor calling for investment in a brand new film studio in the North East just five days after newspapers across the region came together to back the plans.

The Crown Works Studios in Sunderland, which is set to create a whopping 8,500 jobs in the region would include sound stages and sets for blockbuster films with dreams of luring Hollywood talent to the region.

£450m has already been raised for the development by film company Fulwell 73 - the company behind Netflix football documentary Sunderland ‘Til I Die, the re-boot of Byker Grove and a recent Grammy Award-winning Elton John special.

However, backers including regional papers and politicians have recently been urging the government to provide funds to the project as they hope the good news could come during the spring budget next month.

The Northern Echo, Journal, Chronicle, Sunderland Echo and Shields Gazette, as well as the Northern Agenda newsletter, announced they would back the scheme during a joint front page splash last week.

Read about it here: Jeremy Hunt urged to back Crown Works Sunderland film studio plan

Now, Sunderland resident Tony Gardner has started a petition urging Chancellor Jeremy Hunt to back the plans, claiming that the area has suffered "economic deprivation" for a long period of time.

The petition on has over 500 signatures so far.

Tony wrote: "This investment could inspire pride among our young people who will see their city contributing to the UK's vibrant film industry.

"They will know that they too can play a part by working at Crown Works. The UK creative industries contributed £111.7 billion to the economy in 2018 (Department for Digital, Culture, Media & Sport), demonstrating how valuable this sector can be.

"We urge the government to recognise Sunderland's potential and invest accordingly into Crown Works Film Studios. Please sign this petition if you believe in a brighter future for Sunderland and its residents."

Yesterday (February 19), Sunderland Central MP Julie Elliott revealed a letter signed by herself and ten fellow North East Labour MPs has been sent to Mr Hunt regarding the plans.


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Ms Elliott wrote the studio has "incredible economic potential" and could "transform the economy" of the city.

She added: "There is substantial support for the project from across the political spectrum, and it is an opportunity that the Government cannot miss.

"In advance of the spring budget, we are calling on you to back this project, and deliver the vital strategic investment in the region that will benefit it for generations."