A café  has closed its doors with immediate effect after an announcement was issued from the wider venue that it's part of. 

It was revealed that Fausto Coppa, who have been operating out of the Beacon of Light building in Sunderland, had closed suddenly at the venue. 

The café was opened by Kevin Ball back in 2019 and was housed within the community facility’s entrance hall - but it's seemingly no longer part of the future plans of the Beacon of Light after an announcement on Monday (February 19). 

In a statement, the Beacon of Light said: "Fausto Coppa will no longer be operating within the Beacon. Their last day of service was Thursday, February 15."

Despite the closure, the Beacon of Light hinted that another coffee shop and food place could open in the next few weeks.

During the transition between a new vendor and Fausto Coppa - a minimum service will be offered until the new place opens.


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The statement continued: "A limited service will be available over the next couple of weeks for customers to still get their hot drinks and refreshment fix.

"Keep an eye out in the coming weeks as we look to introduce our brand-new food and drinks offering.

"Watch this space!"