A pervert who left one of his victims suicidal after he sexually assaulted two young girls has been locked up.

Darren Gordon carried out a series of assault on his two victims several years ago after plying one of them with drink.

The 52-year-old was convicted of three charges following a trial at Teesside Crown Court.

Shaun Dodds, prosecuting, read it victim impact statements from both of them to outline the devastating impact the defendant’s sickening behaviour had on them.

The first victim, who cannot be named for legal reasons, said the assaults had left her feeling suicidal and unable to trust older men.

“I want to cry but I can’t. I just want to die,” she said. “I don’t like people hugging me anymore, especially men.

“I run away from my problems now. All I keep thinking about now is ‘if he doesn’t go to jail, what’s the point?’. I remember everything and can’t escape it.”

The second victim said she had started to change the clothing she wore so that people wouldn’t try to blame her for what happened.

She added: “Whenever I see a car like the one he has my heart drops and feel like I am going to have a panic attack.”

Gordon, of Wembley Street, Middlesbrough, was found guilty of three counts of sexual assault on a child under 16.

Robert Mochrie, mitigating, said his client understands that he is facing a custodial sentence as a result of his convictions.

Judge Howard Crowson jailed the Middlesbrough man for a total of four years for sexually assaulting the two young girls.

He said: “One of the victims was too scared to move or to speak, she said she was just willing for it all to end so that she could leave but was too young to know the full significance of what you had done as she was so young.”

Gordon was made subject of an indefinite restraining order, ordered to sign on the sex offenders’ register and was issued with a sexual harm prevention order.

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Speaking outside the court, Detective Constable Elliott Shute of the Child Protection and Vulnerable Adult Unit said: “Gordon’s refusal to admit what he had done to his victims prolonged both the investigation and the victims’ distress.

"We will always investigate allegations of offending against children – who are among the most vulnerable in society – and I am pleased that Gordon has been sentenced to prison today, and that is has is subject to a Sexual Harm Prevention Order and restraining orders to protect his victims and the public from his predatory behaviour.

“My thoughts remain with the victims and their families as they continue to come to terms with what has happened.  The victims have displayed incredible character in finding the strength and courage to report what had happened to them. 

"I hope today’s sentencing reassures them they are believed, and that justice will now be served.  Because of their courage, the public are now protected from Darren Gordon.”