An appeal has been launched after money was stolen from a cash in transit worker while they were making a delivery.

Cleveland Police said the worker was attending M&S Simply Food at Cleveland Retail Park on Skippers Lane in Middlesbrough on Monday, January 15 at about 2pm, when an unknown man stole two bags of cash from a trolley while it was being transferred.

The man, whose face was covered, fled in the direction of Wallis Road as he dropped one of the bags which was recovered.

PC Daniel Scott said: “I am appealing to anyone who was in the area at the time and may have seen the theft take place or a man acting suspiciously at around the time it occurred.

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“I’d encourage anyone who has dash cam footage that could assist the investigation, to get in touch.”

Police said a pedal bike believed to belong to the offender was found at the scene and recovered by police.

Information can be provided by calling Cleveland Police on 101 or by contacting Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111.