Plans for 114 new homes between Redcar and Marske bitterly opposed by residents have been rejected by councillors.

Taylor Wimpey wanted to construct the properties on agricultural land adjacent to the south of an existing residential development – Silverdale Gardens, off Cat Flatt Lane.

A total of 88 written representations were received by the local planning authority, Redcar and Cleveland Council, while several councillors, existing and former, also objected.

Planning officers had recommended the development be approved with a report stating the principle of residential development in the location was acceptable.

It did acknowledge that there had been a significant number of objections with many residents concerned about the impact of the development being accessed via Silverdale Gardens and the detrimental impact on neighbouring amenity from increased traffic use.

The Northern Echo: Homes in Silverdale Gardens where residents were angered by the plansHomes in Silverdale Gardens where residents were angered by the plans (Image: LDR)

However, the council’s development engineers had reviewed the application and recommended that subject to conditions it would not have an adverse impact on the local highway network.

A handful of residents spoke out about the plans at a meeting with concerns about access, traffic and insufficient school places being available in the local area among issues raised.

One said existing residents of Silverdale Gardens had been promised a “quiet estate to live in” and described how a 170-signature petition had been gathered in seven days in protest over the development.

Peter Finlinson, from Saltburn, Marske and New Marske Parish Council, said unsuitable access had been “shoehorned” in.

He said: “We should build where there is an infrastructure and where any new settlement is sustainable.

“The access for this new planned estate will be through the existing settlement and it is self-evident that the infrastructure is imperfect and will do harm to the existing community because of an exponential increase in traffic.”

Mr Finlinson added that the “simple truth” is that many people did not want further housing development on greenfield or arable land, even if that was considered a non-material objection.

Councillors Niall Hargreaves and Jack Symon, both representing Wheatlands ward, also spoke to object.

The Northern Echo: An aerial view of the application site which is highlighted with Silverdale Gardens immediately to the northwestAn aerial view of the application site which is highlighted with Silverdale Gardens immediately to the northwest (Image: RCBC)

Cllr Hargreaves said there was a lack of bungalows and very few two-bedroomed homes and also mentioned the impacts of congestion on the nearby A174 road.

He said there would be a lack of playing facilities for children moving onto the estate, stating: “Children of this estate if it is to be built will be expected to either play in the SUDs basin with their wellies on presumably or in the trees lining the A174.”

Cllr Symon spoke about an important “strategic gap” between Redcar and Marske and said the development posed risks to this.

He also said the housing would violate aspects of council planning policy, including safeguarding countryside from inappropriate development and preserving a green wedge between Redcar and Marske.

Cllr Symon claimed the borough had already exceeded targets in terms of housing stock for the next eight years.

A planning agent on behalf of Taylor Wimpey said a contribution of more than £340,000 was to be made to secondary school provision as part of a section 106 agreement with the local authority should planning permission be granted.

He conceded the site for the proposed development was “constrained” and “awkwardly shaped” with repeated concerns being raised at the meeting about access.

The agent described how it would provide a wide variety of two, three and four bedroomed homes with a 15% affordability element and include provision for solar heating panels, electric vehicle charging and waste water heat recovery.

It would be a “high quality, sustainable development generating notable benefits to help underpin the future success of this area”.

Councillor Stephen Martin proposed the plans be refused on the grounds that there was only  one access road which went through Silverdale Gardens.

He received a smattering of applause when he said views from surrounding residents needed to be considered.

Cllr Martin said: “You have to go through another estate to get this estate and we have had confirmation from highways that there will be no other access anytime soon.

“I don’t think one road into this estate is enough.

“For me it is a no go, it would just be horrendous.”

Other grounds given for refusal included overdevelopment and a loss of green space.

Members agreed to refuse the application, despite a warning from development services manager Claire Griffiths that it could open the council up to legal costs should a successful appeal be brought.

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“Another design benefit with the proposals is that it has a smaller footprint than the previous school [and] a two-story element has been introduced into the design to enable more open space to all sides of the new school and increasing the amount of available land to create distinctive play areas for the pupils to enjoy whilst providing an improved outlook from the residential properties overlooking the school”.

Speaking after the meeting, Cllr Hargreaves said many legitimate concerns had been raised by residents who “did not want to see the proposed development attached to their quiet estate”.

Cllr Symon added: “I’d like to personally thank the amazing residents of the estate who have been fighting this cause since the beginning.”

Planning committee chairman Councillor Tristan Learoyd took no part in the debate and decision as he had already commented on the plans as a member of the public prior to joining the council in May.

However was able to speak as a local ward member and also cited what he considered various council policy conflicts as justification to reject the plans.