A pair of lifelong best friends have donned their Santa hats and elf costumes to raise money for a family friend and TikTok star who needs £25,000 for life-changing treatment. 

Paul Stout, 56, and Tracey Pollard, 58, have been fundraising around their village of Brandon, County Durham, all month. 

The "absolutely amazing" duo are well known among the village for "always fundraising for some cause". Every year, they work hard to send the Brandon banner to the Durham Miner's Gala

But this December, the cause that has caught their eye is that of 23-year-old Evie Meg, also from County Durham, who needs to raise £25,000. 

Over the last few years, Evie become popular on TikTok, using her platform to tirelessly campaign for hidden disabilities. 

Posting about her life with Tourette's and PANS/PANDAS, an autoimmune neuropsychiatric disorder has gained Evie a following of 16 million. 

But after a recent diagnosis of autoimmune basal ganglia encephalitis, which is an inflammation of the brain, Evie has turned to fundraising to secure treatment not available on the NHS. 

In the New Year, Evie will have to travel to Poland for infusions, called intravenous immunoglobulin, to help her compromised immune system. 

Evie's GoFundMe page has already raised £14,000, but with £11,000 yet to fundraise, Paul and Tracey are hoping to contribute with their festive-themed efforts. 

Paul's proud daughter Eve said: "If he could help everyone, he would. 

"I went to school with Evie - we're the same age, so I knew her then and have followed her accounts. 

"I mentioned it to my dad, one evening, and you could see his head going. The next day, he told me he was going to spread a bit of Christmas cheer and raise a bit of money for her. 

"He told me 'I'm not doing it for the thanks, I'm doing it because it could have been my children.'"

With his best pal Tracey playing the part of 'naughty elf', Paul has been door-knocking across Brandon dressed as 'Stouty Santa'. 

Tracey and Paul have been friends for 30 years now, and as daughter Eve says, "with all of their fundraising, if my dad's going to do something then Tracey will follow, and vice versa!

"They do it so selflessly, but I really do think they need a bit of recognition for their work. They're just absolute different breeds, they're so community-oriented. Really, they're local heroes. "

As leading members of the Brandon Banner Association, the Durham Miner's Gala is a huge event in Paul and Tracey's annual calendar. 

Eve said: "The Miner's Gala really is like Christmas to them. 

"Anything Tracey can do to help and to fundraise she will - any time you go round her house she'll have all kinds of raffle prizes and hampers. You never know what she's up to. "

To contribute to Evie's cause, you can donate to her GoFundMe Campaign here, or look out for Paul and Tracey in their festive garb as they go door to door in Brandon in the run-up to Christmas.