Durham University have officially announced their new voluntary severance scheme.

Eligible staff will now be able to make an application for severance from today (Monday, Novemver 27) until Frida, February 2 2024.  

All of the unions at the university have been consulted over the scheme.

Existing voluntary measures which can be taken will also be promoted to eligible staff.

A spokesperson for Durham University said: “We continue to invest in our student facilities and experience and in our staff and we are in a good financial position.  

“In planning ahead to ensure we remain financially sustainable we are offering our voluntary severance scheme and voluntary pay initiatives to all eligible staff.” 

All staff received details on the scheme today (November 27).

The UCU Branch Committee at Durham University have communicated with their members about the voluntary severance scheme, emphasising the voluntary nature of it, and have set up meetings for members who have questions or are seeking advice.