Northern Echo readers have had their say this week when we asked them what the ugliest buildings in the North East are - are any of your picks on the list?

The North East is not genuinely regarded as one of the homes of world-leading architecture, meaning we have our share of ugly buildings like any other region.

To see what out readers thought, we asked them what they believed the ugliest building in the whole of the North East.

Read more: Roy Chubby Brown seen in The Old Farmhouse pub, Darlington

Here's the top 11 answers - are any of yours on the list?

1. Amazon at Durham:

Not everyone may agree on this, but the towering presence of Amazon's fulfillment center in Durham appears to have made an impression on the local populace. Its vast, industrial facade contrasts sharply with the traditional charm of Durham's architecture.

The Northern Echo: Amazon, Durham.Amazon, Durham. (Image: NORTHERN ECHO)

2. Bondgate Job Centre and Northgate Tower in Darlington:

The juxtaposition of the Bondgate Job Centre and Northgate Tower in Darlington seems to be a point of contention. The clash of architectural styles and the visual cacophony they create are what irk some residents.

The Northern Echo: Bondgate Job Centre, Darlington.Bondgate Job Centre, Darlington. (Image: GOOGLE MAPS)

3. Hartlepool Suit Direct Stadium

Described with unfiltered bluntness, Hartlepool's stadium at Victoria Park carries an unsavory reputation. The perception of it being a breeding ground for unpleasant elements leaves an indelible mark on the local sentiment.

The Northern Echo: Hartlepool FC stadium.Hartlepool FC stadium. (Image: GOOGLE MAPS)

4. The "New County Hall" in Durham:

The New County Hall in Durham finds itself on this list due to its divisive design. While some may see it as a symbol of modernity, others feel it stands out like a sore thumb amid Durham's historic architecture.

The Northern Echo: Durham's new County Hall.Durham's new County Hall. (Image: GOOGLE MAPS)

5. Eldon Square Shopping Centre:

One of Newcastle's shopping meccas, Eldon Square, isn't spared from criticism. Some Facebook users find the shopping center less than appealing, perhaps longing for the city's more traditional architectural elements.

The Northern Echo: Eldon Square Shopping Centre, Newcastle.Eldon Square Shopping Centre, Newcastle. (Image: GOOGLE MAPS)

6. Quadrus Business Centre in Boldon:

Described with a nauseated emoji, the Quadrus Business Centre in Boldon clearly isn't a crowd-pleaser. Its design may not resonate with those who prefer more classic aesthetics.

The Northern Echo: Quadrus Business Centre, Boldon.Quadrus Business Centre, Boldon. (Image: GOOGLE MAPS)

7. Lifestyle Building, Newcastle College:

This building, simply referred to as "a block of concrete painted black," underscores the divide between modern and traditional architectural preferences. It's a stark reminder that not all experiments in design resonate with the masses.

The Northern Echo: Lifestyle Building, Newcastle College.Lifestyle Building, Newcastle College. (Image: GOOGLE MAPS)

8. The New Bus Station in Durham:

Under construction at the time of this discussion, the new bus station in Durham wasn't generating much excitement. The architectural vision for the station failed to garner much praise from this community.

9. Auckland Tower

Bishop Auckland's viewing tower earns a disapproving moniker in this discussion. While it may offer a view, its aesthetic appeal is a matter of debate.

The Northern Echo: Auckland Tower, Bishop Auckland.Auckland Tower, Bishop Auckland. (Image: GOOGLE MAPS)

10. Vinovium House, Bishop Auckland:

Another Bishop Auckland entry on this list, Vinovium House seems to have left an unfavorable impression on some. The building's design or positioning may not align with the community's architectural preferences.

The Northern Echo: Vinovium House, Bishop Auckland.Vinovium House, Bishop Auckland. (Image: GOOGLE MAPS)

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11. Northgate House, Darlington:

Darlington's Northgate House, like several other entries on this list, showcases the contrast between contemporary and traditional architecture in the region.

The Northern Echo: Northgate House, Darlington.Northgate House, Darlington. (Image: GOOGLE MAPS)