A rapist tried to shift the blame onto his victim when scientific evidence linked him to the crime, a court heard.

Jorden Gregerson carried out the attack, forcing himself on a woman sleeping on a sofa after an informal party at a house in Consett, in the early hours of December 21, 2021.

Durham Crown Court heard that he told her: “It is going to happen”, as she pleaded with him to stop.

Immediately after the attack Gregerson went to the corner of the room and appeared to pass out, affected by the amount he had drunk.

The Northern Echo: Jorden Gregerson was jailed for almost five years for the rape of a woman after forcing himself on

It gave his victim the chance to creep out of the house, ringing police and hiding in a bush until officers arrived at the address in Richardson Way.

Gregerson was arrested at the house and in interview, later, he said he went to let the dog out, and sat on the sofa, where the complainant was lying.

He claimed he then must have fallen asleep and when he awoke, at about 2am, the woman was no longer there.

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Richard Herrmann, prosecuting, said when forensic evidence was put to him, linking him to the crime, he claimed the victim had made up the allegation and she must have tried to have sex with him while he was asleep.

Gregerson maintained that account until the day of his scheduled trial, at the court in July.

But it was only at that late stage in proceedings that the 25-year-old defendant, of Langdale Close, Consett, changed his plea to guilty.

The victim read her impact statement to the sentencing hearing on Thursday (September 21).

She said: “I still sometimes think I can’t believe this has happened to me.

“This incident has been traumatic for me.

“I’ve had flashbacks and was unable to sleep. I was scared I would bump into him and I had to build up my confidence just to be able to leave the house.

“I felt completely isolated and I lost friends due to this.

“I used to be really sociable and that changed overnight.

“Through counselling, I have come to realise I am grieving for the person I used to be.

"My life has completely changed, all because of what happened that night.

“He alone is responsible for all this upset and heart break to so many people.”

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Alaric Walmsley, in mitigation, presented references to the court stating that what happened on the night of the party was “out of character” for the defendant, and has had a major effect on his life.

Judge James Adkin said the incident has had a significant impact on the victim, leading to her dropping out of a course which she was involved with at the time.

He said the defendant, “bizarrely tried to blame the victim for the offence”, until a late stage, with the trial looming and the prospect of the victim having to give evidence and be challenged in court.

Judge Adkin imposed a prison sentence of four years and 11 months on Gregerson, who will be subject of a 20-year restraining order, relating to the victim, while he must register as a sex offender for life.

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Speaking after the hearing, Detective Constable Liam Padget, from Stanley CID, said: “The victim’s life has been seriously affected over the last twenty months as a result of the incident but she has shown incredible bravery and fortitude throughout.

“The forensic evidence was overwhelming in this case and I have no doubt this had a massive part to play in Gregerson’s guilty plea.

“Durham Constabulary will always thoroughly investigate reports of serious sexual assault so that other victims should feel confident in coming forward and reporting.”