A man left a foot imprint on his victim’s face following a violent assault after he claimed his dog had told him that the man had hurt one of his other pets.

Paul Guy reacted angrily after his victim lost his dog and launched the brutal attacks days later when he dragged the man to the ground before stamping on his head and neck.

Teesside Crown Court heard how the victim managed to escape and fled to his mother’s house before heading to hospital for treatment to his injuries.

The 43-year-old then used a friend to contact his victim where he made a number of threats before demanding that he withdraws the allegation.

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Paul Abrahams, mitigating, said Guy was living in his van after being evicted from his home after the bank repossessed it from his landlord.

“The defendant told the complainant that Blaze, one of his dogs, could talk to him and he says that you hurt Angel (the dog which escaped),” he said.

“As they were all walking along John Williams Boulevard in Darlington, the defendant attacked the man before stamping on his head and neck.”

Mr Abrahams said that the defendant was carrying a lock knife when the police arrested him following the attack but he contacted his victim several weeks later and made a series of threats.

He added: “One of the messages said - ‘I know where he lives’ and another said - ‘if they aren’t around anymore there won’t be any charges’.”

The court heard how the attack happened on May 9 this year and the witness intimidation took place on June 12.

In a victim impact statement, the man said the attack and the threats had left him fearing for his own safety and considering moving house in case Guy attacked him again.

The Northern Echo: Paul GuyPaul Guy (Image: Durham Constabulary)

Guy, of Dickinson Street, Darlington, pleaded guilty to assault occasioning actual bodily harm, possession of a knife, and witness intimidation.

Kelleigh Lodge, mitigating, said her client was struggling with homelessness while relying on drugs and alcohol to deal with his situation at the time of the offences.

She added: “He is genuinely sorry for committing the offence and knows it was unacceptable behaviour.”

Judge Howard Crowson praised the defendant for taking steps to address his alcohol and drug problems before sentencing him to a total of 51 weeks in prison.

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He added: “All of this behaviour was out of character for you, the most important factor at the time was that you were using drugs and alcohol to deal with problems in your life.

“This caused you to behave differently from how you would usually behave.

“Looking at the photographs of his injuries you can see what appears to be the imprint of a foot on his temple.”

Guy was also made subject to an indefinite restraining order to protect the victim.