Cleveland Police have confirmed there is "no update" on a dog that bit the face of a five-year-old girl in Stockton on Saturday, August 12.

The status of the dog, that was seized by police in the early evening on Saturday after the incident is unknown, five days on.

Young Farrah-Leigh Nichol was rushed to hospital with devastating injuries to her face following a dog bite outside a Nisa store in Norton, Stockton at the weekend.

Read more: GoFundMe for Norton girl injured by dog reaches £2,000

The Northern Echo: Farrah-Leigh Nichol in hospital

The girl had asked to stroke the 'pocket bully' dog as she made her way home with her dad when the dog suddenly turned and bit her face.

Two police vans and an ambulance were seen at the scene, with police confirming the dog had been immediately seized.

The Northern Echo has since approached Cleveland Police twice this week who have confirmed that there is no update on the status of the dog.

Kirsty Lavender, a family friend, said the youngster had asked permission before stroking the dog, which turned on her. 

She said: "Farrah-Leigh is beautiful, funny, bubbly, polite, just an all-round amazing child. We are all hoping this doesn’t take her personality and confidence away.

"It has been awful, but she still has an absolutely gorgeous smile. She is so happy and is so bubbly. She is amazing."

The Northern Echo:

The community has rallied around the family since the ordeal, setting up a GoFundMe to take her to Disneyland when she recovers.

The total surpassed £2,000 yesterday, as fundraisers have now set a new £3,000 final target.

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Donations have flooded in from well-wishers for the "beautiful" girl.

One donator said: "Dear Farrah-Leigh, I really hope you get to Disney. I’m sorry you’ve been through so much at such a young age. My prayers are with you for a speedy recovery."

Another added: "Hope you get well asap lovely young lady."

To donate to the fundraiser, click here.