Plans to start an independent investigation into the water quality at Roker beach after triathlon athletes fell ill have been blocked.

Liberal Democrat councillors called for an emergency vote to repair the 'damage' done to the area's reputation.

They believed that a thorough enquiry was needed to reassure the public of their safety at the beach.

The emergency vote called for an update on the safety of the water, the introduction of an independent water quality testing process and a full independent investigation into the sewage system.

The leader of Sunderland Council responded saying that until the results of an investigation were known there was no need to bring politics into it.

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Councillor Paul Edgeworth, leader of the Liberal Democrats on Sunderland City Council, outlined the risk to the area's reputation and local economy.

He said: “The City Council should have nothing to fear from having local people’s elected representatives discussing – in public – what needs to be done to restore Sunderland’s reputation which has been trashed in the national media in recent weeks as a result of this triathlon scandal.

“If we are to avoid further damage to our reputation and local economy then councillors from all parties need to agree a credible way forward in the best interests of our city.

“Otherwise we risk Labour bosses who let the event go ahead in the first place taking decisions behind closed doors about how to clean up their own mess – with no transparency or scrutiny.”

Graeme Miller, leader of Sunderland City Council, explained that the Environment Agency had tested the water extensively in the run up to the event.

He said: "We can't say why 57 of the 2,000 participants fell ill.

"They are all elite swimmers, it is very strange and I tend to think it might well be something else other than the water. 

"They all move around in a group and a cold would spread very quickly.

"We don't yet have the results of the testing yet and the Liberal Democrats are doing what they always do, making politics out of a situation that just needs clarity.

"If there is found to be anything wrong with the testing carried out by the Environment Agency and World Triathlon Championship we will fix that.

"I don't expect that to be the problem.

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"I just wish that rather than talk the county down they would wait to see what the evidence tells us.

"It's such a shame because it was a brilliant event.

"If they were having a leg in the UK next year I would be keen for Sunderland to have it again."