“Gender identity ideology” taught in schools was the talking point at a Darlington Borough Council meeting last week.

Conservative Cllr Gerald Lee for Heighington and Coniscliffe expressed his concerns regarding primary school-aged children being taught about ‘gender identity ideology’ in the classroom.

Cllr Lee suggested there may be a lack of transparency, and that parents should be kept in the loop on what these classes comprise, particularly among faith groups in the community.

Cllr Lee said: “It may be that there are no mysteries concerning this sensitive subject in our Darlington schools but I do feel that both parents and councillors should be made aware of how the subject of Gender Identity Ideology is being handled as opposed to being kept under wraps as reported in the Times and Telegraph.

The Northern Echo: Darlington Town Hall. Picture: Sarah Caldecott, NewsquestDarlington Town Hall. Picture: Sarah Caldecott, Newsquest (Image: Sarah Caldecott, Newsquest)

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“All parents should be fully aware of how ‘gender identity ideology’ is being taught and presented to our school children, the subject matter should be discussed and agreed with all faith religions.

“As Corporate Parents all 50 Darlington Borough Councillors who have a statutory duty to safeguard all children should also be fully aware of the teaching qualifications and the subject matter taught in our primary and secondary schools, and that parents should be kept informed of any discussions a teacher may have in the classroom, particularly in the early days when a child is looking to transition.”

Labour Cllr for Haughton and Springfield, and cabinet member for children and young people, Nick Wallis said Darlington schools have to deliver the National Curriculum, and that government guidance states that gender issues must be addressed within lessons regarding relationships and sexual education in age-appropriate ways.

Cllr Wallis said: “Gender identity issues are hugely sensitive. You only have to look at social media to see how the extremes on both sides of the debate stir up hatred and division. At all costs we should avoid that happening here in Darlington.

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“So-called culture wars do nothing to help often very vulnerable children and their families.

“Parents know that if they have any concerns about the teaching of their children, they can always approach the school in the first instance, and ultimately Ofsted if things aren’t sorted out.

“There are so many really pressing issues for our schools as they raise standards and prepare our children for the future whilst their funding from the Government has been cut, cut and cut again.”

Green Party Cllr for College ward Matthew Snedker said he found Cllr Lee's intervention unhelpful.

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Cllr Snedker said: “This risks raising unfounded concerns among parents and unnecessary stress for teachers who will need to field enquiries that are not based on anything factual.

“I understand that before making his speech, Cllr Lee had not spoken with teachers or school leaders to better understand the topic and check if these attention-grabbing headlines were grounded in reality.

“Finally, I am concerned by Cllr Lee’s turn of phrase. He refers to ‘gender identity ideology’ which is a form of rhetoric used by groups who seek to force divisions within LGBT and feminist movements and deny the existence of trans people.”