A 17-year-old is set to appear in court after three teenagers had an unknown substance thrown in their faces on a busy beach.

Police were called to Longsands Beach in Tynemouth following reports of a disturbance shortly after 9.30pm on Friday, June 16.

An 18-year-old boy was kicked in the head during the incident and suffered an injury to his eye, while he and two others, aged 16 and 17, were also left with facial injuries after an unknown substance was thrown in their faces.

Read more: Man to appear in court after incident which saw OAP 'tied up and threatened'

The three were taken to hospital and later discharged as police launched an investigation into the alleged assault.

Eyewitnesses reported seeing several police vehicles at the scene with the beach busy as some youngsters celebrated the end of GCSE and A-Level exams.

A 17-year-old, who cannot be named for legal reasons, has now been charged with causing grievous bodily harm with intent and possession of an offensive weapon.

He has also been charged with unrelated offences of assault, possession of an offensive weapon, affray, and breaching a civil injunction.

He will appear before North Tyneside Magistrates Court on Tuesday (July 4).

A 16-year-old male who was also arrested in connection with the incident remains on police bail.

Inspector Jennifer Bushby, of Northumbria Police, said: “This was clearly a serious incident and a male will now appear before the courts in relation to it. I’d ask that everyone respects the live legal proceedings and avoids any speculation or commentary both on social media and out in the community.

“I hope this shows the community of Tynemouth and the wider region how committed we are to tackling pockets of disorder and pursuing suspects.

“Our successful multi-agency Operation Coastwatch will continue to run throughout the summer, with dedicated resources from police, North Tyneside Council and Nexus available to deter and address disorder of any kind.

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“Thankfully these types of incidents are not common, and we have been delighted that the operation has led to a 31 per cent drop in anti-social behaviour along the coast. This has been achieved through hard-work, planning and partnership-working.

“I want to offer my thanks to the overwhelming majority of people who come to the award-winning beaches of North Tyneside and treat them, and everyone else, with respect and kindness. Together, we can make sure they continue to be a fantastic place to live, work and visit.”

Northumbria Police added: “Anyone with information should contact police using the ‘Tell Us Something’ page of our website or call 101, quoting NP-20230616-1463.”